セッション情報 特別企画


ICD-11 Hepatology and Pancreaticobiliary Working Group : ConceptsProgressand Outstanding Challenges

演者 Geoffrey Charles Farrell(Hepatic MedicineAustralian National University Medical SchoolThe Canberra HospitalAustralia)
抄録 The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) was adopted by WHO in 1948 as the basis for compara-ble an d consistent collectionclassification and presentation of disease-related data. ICD is useful for cod-ing mortality and morbidityspechic diseasesinj uriessigns and symptomssocial circumstances and ex-ternal causes of inj ury/disease. While traditionally updated every decadeICD-10was completed in 1990.70% of world’s health expenditure (3500 billionUSD) is now uses ICD-10 for reimbursement and resourceallocation ; 110 countries (60 0/o world population) use ICD death data for health monitoring and planning.In light of progress in knowledge about health and disease processes accelerated by biotechnologyepide-miology and web-driven infbrmation sharingit is timely to bring the expanded evidence base and broaderconceptual understanding to ICD-11. Linkage with modern terminology systems will form a referencebase for medical definitions accessible electronicallythereby serving accurate clas$hicationeducationpublic healthclinical practice and research needs.Japan is playing a maj or role in ICD-11 development Within the internal Medicine Topic Advisory Group(iTAG)Gastroenterology and Hepato)ogy/PancreaticoBiliary/Peritoneum working groups (WG) met 5-6 April 2010. An “alpha draft” has been prepared’with further refinement by email discussions. The sched-ule for the beta-draft is May 2012. lmportant changes include removal of outdated conceptse. g.“neonatalj’aundice”’with revision into scientific categories hke Metabolic and Transporter Liver Diseasesubcatego-ries like Disorders of圃irubin Metabo丘sm and Excretionand Progressive Familial lntrahepatic Cholesta-sis (and subtypes). Viral hepatitis now iterates all viruses and combined infectionsand have supplemen-tary codes for complicationsand for states of HBV infeetion and disease. Fatty liver disease has been “re-written”there are important additions to vascular diseasesiron storage disorderstoxic liver inj uryandcauses of chronic pancreatitis (types of AIP) . lncluding a11 key complications of chronic liver disease needsto be resolved. The next challenges include : (1) resolve outstanding classification issues with overlappingTopic Advisory Groups (TAGs)eg with Rare Diseases TAG for some metabolic liver diseases(2) startprocess of writing definitions(3) consultation with expert groupsand (4) open consultation through theiCAT process. The active interest of learned professional and scientific bodiessuch as JSGE and sister or-ganisations is really welcome and very important