セッション情報 Session 1

Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease


IF1-2 Fluctuating Gut Flora under Infectious Diseases

演者 Makoto Kuroda(Pathogen Genomics CenterNational Institute of Infectious DiseasesJapan)
抄録 The bacterial communities of human neonates are different to those of adults ; indeedmany reportshave investigated the detailed development’@of the human infant intestinal microbiota. The compositionand temporal patterns of the microbial communities during the first post-natal year varied widely frombaby to babyand notable differences were found in Bac亡eroides一 or Lac亡obacilli-rich stool samples fromrespective babies. Furthermoredeep-comprehensive 16S-rDNA analysis of the microbiome revealed dis-crete steps of bacterial succession punctuated by 1ife events such as feverfoodand antibiotic treatment.We speculated that infectious disease such as enterovirus infectionfood poisoningand other typical en-teritis might affect the steady state of gut fiorabecause a balance of mucosal immunity could be damagedby growing unexpected pathogen in gut. Metagenomics approach provides genetic information of the or-ganism in stool sample comprehensivelywe investigated gut flora of infants suffering from infectious dis-ease or unknown pathogenesis.For instancethe etiology of Kawasaki disease (KD) is unknownprevious reports have detected endo-toxinsand unique T-cell receptor (TCR) VB expansion by certain superantigens in KD patients. Such ob-servations suggest that infectious agents could be potential candidates for the pathogenesis of KD. A lon-gitudinal analysis of gut flora in KD patients was performed using a next-generation DNA sequencing (il-lumina GAIIx).The gut flora of all 8 KD patients obviously changed from onset to 6 months latersuggest-ing that patient-specific bacteria (such as Streptococcus) substantially disappeared significantly.In additionenteroviral infection appears to increase a proportion of gamma-proteobacteriaremarkablycompared to age-matched healthy control. Such comprehensive analysis suggests that it is not absolutelyconsistent during the most susceptible ages for many infectious diseases.