セッション情報 Enteric Viral Hepatitis i)Epidemiology of Hepatitis A and E


IF4a-2 Viral Hepatitis A and E in Japan

演者 Yoko Tamada(Clinical Research CenterNational Hospital Organization(NHO)Nagasaki Medical CenterJapan)
共同演者 Hiroshi Yatsuhashi(Clinical Research CenterNational Hospital Organization(NHO)Nagasaki Medical CenterJapan)
抄録 Objective :To examine recent trends of hepatitis A (AHA) and hepatitis E (AHE) in Japan.Methods :During 1980 through 2010sentinel surve皿ance was conducted in 31 national hospitals in a prospective co-hort study. All cases of viral acute hepatitis (VAH) which wereadmitted to one of our hospitals have bee-nsequentialJy enrolled. Lo/ngitudinallythey were categorized into three periods ; the l st (1980-1989)2 nd(1990-1999)and 3rd (2000-2009).Resut’ts :A total of 4524 cases of VAH were enrolled. Hepatitis ABCE and non-ABCI was found in 1612(35.6 9/o )1294 (28.6 0/o )385 (8.5 0/o )56 (12 0/o )and 11 77 (26 .0 0/o )respectively.AHA accounted for 37.50/o (687/1830) in the lst period48.50/o (718/1481) in the 2ndand 16.80/o (186/1107) in the 3rd (lst vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI ; 2nd vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI). The male ratio was 54 0/o. The mean agewas 34.6 in the lst period38.8 in the 2ndand 41.1 in the 3rd (lst vs. 2ndp〈O.05 ; 2nd vs. 3rdp〈O.05). Se-vere acute hepat’itis (SAH) and fulminant hepatitis (FH) developed in 54 (3.30/o) and 8 (O.50/o) patientsrespectively. They (SAH +FH) accounted for 1.90/o in the lst period320/o in the 2ndand 1610/o in the 3rd(lst vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI ; 2nd vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI) .AHE accounted fbr O.70/o (13/1830) in the lst periodO.30/o (4/1481) in the 2ndand 3.30/o (36/1107) inthe 3rd (lst vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI ; 2nd vs. 3rdp〈O.OOOI). The male ratio was 92.50/o. There was a significantdifference in the mean age between imported and domestic cases (37.3 vs. 526p〈O.Ol). SAH and FH de-veloped in 1 (1.9 0/o) and O (O O/o) patientrespectively.Conclusion :In JapanAHA was a major disease among VAH before 2000though it has recently been decreasing.Howeverthe number of severe cases is increasing. Care should be taken in the management of those pa-tients. A且E has increased in males aged middle and older in 200αs than befbre.