セッション情報 |
Enteric Viral Hepatitis i)Epidemiology of Hepatitis A and E
タイトル |
IF4a-4 HEV Vaccine Strategies : Utility and Prospect
演者 |
James Wai Kuo Shih(National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine DevelopmentSchool of Public HealthXiamen UniversityChina) |
共同演者 |
Jun Zhang(National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine DevelopmentSchool of Public HealthXiamen UniversityChina) |
抄録 |
The hepatitis E vaccineHEV239(Hecolin)w皿be commercially available in China in 2012The vaccinehas been shown in a 1arge Phase III clinical trial to be well tolerated by adults and confer 1000/o protectionagainst hepatitis E caused by both genotypes 1 and 4. Protective immunity was found to develop after 2vaccine doses given one month apart and also under less than ideal vaccination conditions. Extendedanalysis of data arising from the study showed the vaccine affords 800/o protection against HEV infectionand suggests that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women. These findings show that HEV239 vaccinecro$s p. rotects against infection and disease caused by HEV genotypes 1 and 4 and could be used to pre-vent and interrupt outbreaks of waterborne infection caused by genotype 1and possibly genotype 2 vi-rusin developing countries and to protect travelers to these countries. HEVmainly genotypes 3 and 41’sprevalent in most developed countrieswith HEV seroprevalence ranging up to more than 50 P/o in someof the areas. Presumably caused through low level exposure to the virus in the environment (probablywater)most of the infection is subclinicalwhereas symptomatic disease is rare and generally believed tobe mainly caused by food borne infection. Although uncommonHEV has emerged to be the pr. inciplecause of viral hepatitis and the most severe form of acute hepatitis in many developed countrieslt is pos-sible that the vaccine might be beneficial for the elderly populations in some of these countrieswho are athigh risk of infection Further clinical trials are being initiated to determine efficacy and of the vaccineagainst genotypes 2 and 3 and for high risk groupssuch as pregnant women and subj ects with chronicliver diseases. |
索引用語 |