セッション情報 Hepatitis B i)Hepatitis B and HCC


IF4b-4 Nucleoside Analogue-interferon Sequential Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B

演者 Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi(Department of Internal MedicineInfectious DiseasesGraduate School of MedicineThe University of TokyoJapan)
共同演者 Kazuhiko Koike(Department of Internal MedicineInfectious DiseasesGraduate School of MedicineThe University of TokyoJapan)
抄録 The management of patients with chronic且BV infection of high viral load is somewhat diffricult Many ofthe patients in this group have high ALTwhich makes interferon treatment dithcult Therefore nucleo-side analogues (entecavir or lamivudine) are usedMost of the patients receive long-term treatment incase of post-treatment flare after stopping treatment. C.onsequentlyviral breakthrough sometimes. oc-curswhich makes the treatment more difficult.Nucleoside analogue-interferon sequential therapy is a combination therapy with some overlapping pe-riod. Marked decrease in viral load induced by nucleoside analogues up-regulates the immune response toHBVwhich may improve the efficacy of interferon. Our pilot study for the patients who experiencedacute ・exacerbation of hepatitis resulted in high remission rateabout 60 percent. Therefore nucleosideanalogue-interferon sequential therapy is indicated for patients with highly-active chronic hepatitis. Theappropriate treatment regimen is still to be determined. The use of pegylated interferon might improvethe efficacy of this treatment.