セッション情報 Hepatitis C i)Hepatitis C and HCC(I)


IF4c-2 Hepatitis C and HCC

演者 Kwang-Hyub Han(Department of Internal MedicineYonsei University College of MedicineKorea)
共同演者 Beom Kyung Kim(Department of Internal MedicineYonsei University College of MedicineKorea)
抄録 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide and the thirdmajor cause of death in Korean. There are an estimated 170 miMon infected with hepatitis C virus(HCV)globallyand血e incidence of H.CC and HCV has increased in recent decadessuggesting an etio-logic link. ln Koreaafter a successful vaccination program against hepatitis B virus (HBV)chronic hepati-tis C (CHC) is now emerging as an important cause of chronic liver disease (CLD) . The overall prevalenceof CHC among Koreans>40 years is 1.290/oand increases with age. The annual risk of CHC patients withcirrhos-is developing HCC is 1-40/o. ln Koreaabout 70 0/o of HCC cases were HBV-related and 12-170/o wereHCV-re)’ated. HCV-associated HCC occurs 10 years later than HBV-associated HCCprimarily due to thetiming of infection(adulthood vs. perinataL respectively).Most且CV・related HCC are more frequently as-sociated with cirrhosis than HBV-re1ated HCC. Thereforeoverall resection rate is relatively lowerRecent studies have suggested that various HCV proteinsincluding the coreenvelopeand nonstructuralproteinshave oncogenic properties by inducing oxidative stressdisturbing cellular regulatory pathwaysassociated with proliferation and apoptosisand suppressing host immune responsesalthough HCV is anRNA virus with little potential for integrating its genetic material into the host genome. Overalla combi-nation of virus-specifichost geneticenvironmentaland immune-related factors are likely to determinethe progression to HCC in patients with CHC. The current treatment model for CHCpegylatedinterferon-based therapyappears to be effective not only reducing the risk of developing HCC but de-creasing the risk of recurrence after successful treatment.