セッション情報 Hepatitis C i)Hepatitis C and HCC(II)


IF4c-6 Host Factors Determining the Efficacy of Hepatitis C Treatment in Japan

演者 Yasuhito Tanaka(Department of Virology & Liver UnitNagoya City University Graduate School of Medical SciencesJapan)
抄録 The current standard of care (SOC) is combination treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin(PEG-IFN/RBV)but this costly and poorly tolerated treatment achieves sustained virological response inonly 50 O/o of patients. Several large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified single nucleo-tide polymorphisms (SNPs) linked to llL28B gene (IFN-X3) that are associated with the spontaneous reso-lution and successful treatment of HCV infection. ClinicallyIL28B SNPs can predict the virological re-sponse by SOC as well as recently approved SOC pltts the first direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) in-cluding telaprevir.and boceprevir. Japanese studies showeld that the combination of皿28-B SNPs andamino acid substitutions at positions 70 of the H/CV core protein improved the prediction of SVR by SOCplus telaprevir. Howeverit is not yet clear how IFN-X3 SNPs linked to the risk allele identifiTed in theGWAS affect immune function or exert specific antivira 1 effects in H:CV-infected patients. As for the cur-rently known biology of IFN-Xs1) two studies found that the favorable SNP is associated with increasedlevels of IFN-X3 in PBMCs. 2) Myeloid dendritic ¢ell 2 (mDC2) and macrophages are the main producersof IFN-X stimulated by viruses and viral or bacterial mimics. 3) IF’N-X has a restricted receptor distributionand therefore restricted targets. 4) Up-regulated hepatic ISGs pretreatment are associated with the IFN-X3 risk allele and with poor treatment outcome. These data suggest that the effect of IFN-X3 on HCV clini-cal outcome is肱ely to be a complex interaction between IFN一αHCV itselfISGs and immunomodulation.