セッション情報 Best Poster Award(Lower GI)


IF-BP2-1 Intestinal Microbiota is Essential for Both the Initiation and the Maintenance of Colitisand Dysbiosis of IBD Patients

演者 Tomohisa Sujino(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan)
共同演者 Takanori Kanai(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan), Atsushi Hayashi(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan), Yohei Mikami(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan), Katsuyoshi Matsuoka(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan), Tadakazu Hisamatsu(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan), Toshifumi Hibi(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyKeio University School of MedicineJapan)
抄録 Almost all animal models of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) fai1 to develop colitis under germ-free (GF)conditionssuggesting that intestinal microbiota play important roles in the pathogenesis of IBD. How-everit remains unknown whether spechic pathobionts or the dysbiosis of microbiota are critical for thedevelopment of intestinal inflammation. ln this regardit has been demonstrated that mice infected withHelicobacter hepa亡icus(Hh)developed more severe colitis in specific pathogen free(SPF)conditionsas compared to Hh 一uninfected mice. ln this studywe here assess the role of Hhusing the gnotobiotic sys-tem. Hh mono-associated RAG-2一/一 mice transferred with CD4+CD45RBhigh T cens failed to develop colitisindicating that other microbiota are indispensable to initiate the development of colitis. Furthermore. re-transfer of colitogenic LP CD4+Tcells into皿1 mono-associated RAG-2≠mice also failed to induce colitisimplying that other intestinal microbiota are also important during the maintenance of colitis. Our groupdemonstrated that Hh itself is not pathobiont and orchestration with some intestinal microbiota is essen-tial for both the initiation and the maintenance of colitis. Feces collected from IBD patients who under-went therapy interventionsuch as prednisoloneazathioprineFK506 and lnfliximab were analyzed by 16s-rRNA quantitative RT-PCR. By the analysis of seventeen ulcerative colitis patientsthe number of totalbacteria significantly increased after treatment. We also found the number of Clostridium coccoidesgroupBifidobacteriumEn亡erococcus rose significantly after treatmentalthough the number of Clostrid-ium lep tum groupBacteroides fragiEsLacto bacillusStaphyiococcus・ did not increase after intervention.