セッション情報 Best Poster Award(HBP)


IF-BP3-2 Rapid Reduction of HCV-core Protein in the Peripheral Blood Induces Favorable Effect in Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Patients

演者 Yasuteru Kondo(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan)
共同演者 Yoshiyuki Ueno(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan), Masashi Ninomiya(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan), Eiji Kakazu(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan), Osamu Kimura(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan), Tooru Shimosegawa(Division of GastroenterologyTohoku University Graduate School of MedicineJapan)
抄録 Background The extracellular HCV-antigen including HCVCore protein can suppress the immune cells.Recentlythe efficacy of double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) for chronic hepatitis C (CH-C) was re-ported.Aim The aim of this study is to analyze the virological and immunological parameters of diffTicult-to-treatHCV patients treated with DFPP combined with Peg-IFN and RBV (DFPP/Peg-IFN/RBV) therapy.Methods Permission for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee (permission no2009-166)Twelve patients with genotype l b and high HCV-RNA titers were enrolled and treated with DFPP/Peg一工FN/RBV therapy. DFPP was performed five times and blood samples were obtained before and aftereach DFPP. Polymorphisms of IL28B and ITPAand HCV-Core 70 and 91 arnino-acid mutations were ana-lyzed. PBMCs were stained with /CD3CD4CD8CD 16CD25CD 56HLA-DR and isotype controls anti-bodies. Supernatants of the PBMC-incubation were analyzed by using IFN-y and ILIO ELISA. The concen-trations of IFN-y and ILIO in the plasma were also analyzed by u$ing ELISA.Resu’ts All patients(4/4)with major皿28B anele(T/T)could achieve complete EVR. The amount of’IFN-y produced from peripheral blood gradually increased in the EVR patients. The frequencies of HCV-Core binding on CD3t T’cells rapidly declined in EVR patients treated with DFPP/Peg-IFN/RBV ther-apy. MoreQverthe clistribution of activated CD4“ and CD8’ T cells and CD I/6CD56 high NK cells weresignificantly changed between before and after DFPPConclusion The rapid reduction of HCV-Core antigens and changes in the distribution ・of lymphoid cellscould contribute to the favOrable immunological response during DFPP/Peg-IFN/RBV therapy.