セッション情報 Poster Presentation(GI)


IF-P1-5 Clinical and Microbiological Studies on Human Intestinal Spirochaetosis

演者 Takahito Takezawa(Division of GastroenterologyJichi Medical SchoolJapan)
共同演者 Shunji Hayashi(Division of GastroenterologyJichi Medical SchoolJapan), Yoshikazu Hirai(Division of GastroenterologyJichi Medical SchoolJapan), Kentaro Sugano(Division of GastroenterologyJichi Medical SchoolJapan)
抄録 Human intestinal spirochaetosis (HIS) was first described in 1967 by Harland & Leeand it was reportedby ’Nakamura et al first in Japan in 1998. Howeverclinical symptoms and endoscopic findngs of HIS re-main unclearand the indication for eradicarion to treat HIS has not been established. HIS is caused bytwo Brachyspira species : Brachyspira aalborgi and Brachyspira pilosicob’. B. aalborgi is isolate d onlyfrom humans and primatesand B. pilosicoli colon/izes in the large intestine of humans and a variety of ani-malsThe infection route of Brachyspira species in human remains unclear. The microbiological andgenomic features of Brachyspira species have not been fully elucidated.We diagnosed eight patients as having MS by histopathologieal findmgs. All of them had developedchronic diarrhea and bloody stooL Four of the patients were treated with eradication therapy (500 mgmetronidazole per day for 10 days) . Three months after the eradication therapytwo of. the patients un-derwent follow-up colonoscopyand eradication was observedB. pilosicoli strains were isolated from large intestinal biopsies of the above patients. We performed mi-crobiological studies. on the strains. Antibacterial susceptibility testing showed that all of the strain$ testedwere susceptible to metronidazole and tetracyclineand resistant to levofloxacin. Some strains were sus-ceptible to amoxicillinbut others were not. Differences of B. pilosicoli strains from humans and from vari-o/us animals have not been studied. We analyzed genome of one B. pilosicoh’ strain ; isolated from the hu-man ’奄獅狽唐狽奄獅C and compared it with that from the reported pig intestine. There was notable difference ofgenome size between the human strain (2789751 bp) and the pig strain (2586443 bp).