セッション情報 Poster Presentation(HBP)


IF-P2-1 IL28B Minor Allele is Associated with an Early Age of Onset of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

抄録 Background : IL28B polymorphisms were shown to be associated with response to peg-interferon basedtreatment hl chronic hepatitis C(C且C)and spontaneous clearance. Howeverlittle is known about howthis factor affects the course of CHC including the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Aims : To evaluate the influence of IL28B polymorphisms on hepatocarcinogenesis in patients with CHC.Methods : we genotyped the rs8099917 single-nucleotide polymorphism in 351 C-associated HCC patientswithout history of IFN-based treatmentand correlated the age at onset of HCC in patients with eachgenotype.Results : Frequencies of TTTGand GG genotypes were 74.30/o (261/351)24.80/o (87/351)and O.90/o (3/351)respecbively. The mean ages at onset of HCC for TTTGand GG genotypes were 69.967.5 and 66.8respectively. ln multivariate analysisIL28B minor allele (TG and GG genotypes) was extracted as an inde-pendent risk factor for early-age onset of HCC (p=O.02) with higher BMI (p=O.009) and male ge/nder(p〈O:OOOI). IL 28 B minor allele was also associated with lower probability of having aspirateaminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI) >1.5 (minor vs. major46.70/o vs. 58.60/o ; p=O.Ol)lowerAST (69.1 vs 77.7 IU/1p=O.02)lower ALT (67.8 vs. 80.9 IU/1p=O.002)higher platelet count (12.8 vs.11.2 × 104/plp = O.002)and higher prothrombin time (79.30/o vs. 75.4 O/op = O.002) after adjustment for gen-derBMIalcoholic consumptionand the age at enrollmentConclusions : IL28B minor allele was associated with lower inflammatory activity and less progressed fi-brosis of liverhoweverconstituted a risk factor for early-age onset of HCC in patients with CHC.