セッション情報 Panel Discussion 8

Medical Science Communication at the GlobalAge Part1:How to Write Papers in English/How to Make an Effective English Presentation


PD8-1-1 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper in a High Impact Journal

演者 Emad M. El-Omar(Division of Applied MedicineInstitute of Medical SciencesAberdeen UniversityUK/Editor in ChiefGut)
抄録 Scientific joumals are custo磁a亘s of scientific.e纂deavour aロd advance颯e飢.They aimto publish novel and sound research that w:ll.stand. careful scrutiny. andindependentreplication by others. Published ’work should stim/ulate further discusdon and re-search. Prospective young authors who emgpire to publiSh a high impact paper mustfegow the basie prineiples of.sciendic endeavour. The work should focus on an ・im-portant research question/ and must emplQy・ a sound study design・ with’ adeqmatepowe and utihsation of statitttical’expenise from the outset Great eare mvst betaken to include tl.;. e tight cQntrolsWhen drafting the ・manuscript one must presen. tthe story in the cleaiest ・and most convincing/ mann. erEssential.’ q’uestions incltide :does the st砿y血ake Sense?Does th色.introduction血ake the research seem relevantandimpertant? ls there a clear message? .Does the ’discussion answer the “scwhat” .question? lt is often helpfu) to ask a llon speclalistto assess the mai)/uscript forreadability prior to submislonThe language and grammar bave to be presented to’the highest stan.dards as this denotes dligence and enhances the chances of success.Wh. en con$idering submission of the manuscriptit is essential to be cognisant of thejoumal’s remit and guidelinesThis will prevent wasted effort and time. The abstractmustbe written血.an i卑peccable manner as it is o食en the key to.getting the manu・script sent for .review. The covering letter is alse imPortant and must highli’ght thenovelty and i血pact ofthe work aロd why the spec雌。 joumal was..chosen. Most man.u・seript$. are rejeeted due to fiaws in design or methodolegylack of noveltylack ofclear m. ess.ageand’ reparting of small incremental effects. Naturallyaddressingthese weaknesges from the outset will ensure a much higher rate of success.