セッション情報 Panel Discussion 8

Medical Science Communication at the GlobalAge Part1:How to Write Papers in English/How to Make an Effective English Presentation


PD8-1-3 Important Issues to Write Papers for Young Gastroenterologists in English

演者 Mamoru Watanabe(Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyTokyo Medical and Dental UniversityJapan)
抄録 Japanese gastroenteroiogist$ have been produced qualified papers foryears; Howeverlt has become mor. e. and more diff.icttlt to publish in. highproMe joumals. Now the time・has come to reconsider hQw to write the pa-pers 1 have been an Ecli’tor一’in・一Chief of Journal of Gastroenterolo・gytheodicial j/ournal of the Japanese Society of GastroenterOlogy for .more th・an6 yearsand the impact facter (IF) ’of the j.ournal has remarkably risenfrQm 1.200 in 2004into 3.610 in 20101 am also the associatemanaging orsection editor for several journals. in the editorial m. eetings/ of these jour一.nalswe have been discussing about th. e way to ’improve IF. ThereforeIwould like te discuss how to write the papers from a poin’t of view of edi-tor. Many journals have ini・tial evaluation process by editors The man’u一・seript with the following would be gone to the irnmedi・ate’ rejectron ; 1)’ Ti-tle dees not shew .clearly the content of the study2) Abstract is toovaguenot IQgical by itseif and has too many cenclu$ions} 3)’ Figures andTabies are harcl to be understood by itseE and 4) there are too many mis-take in English and grammar. Even i.f the manuscripts would go. to the re-view1) 一4) in the previous paragraph are・ stilJ important To ’improve・ IFeditors think that 5)・ Conclusion should be justone or twoothetwiseman.uscri’pt is complicated for the /readersand 6) editors should be put itinto their mind that the manuscripts would be cited in other journals. Onthe basis of this concept f6r w.r1t血g the papersI also would甑e to diミcusthe issue for making an effective ’presentation i . English.