セッション情報 Panel Discussion 8

Medical Science Communication at the GlobalAge Part2:The Future of Gastroenterology in Asia


PD8-2-2 Usability of Capsule Endoscopy for Clinical Trials from Experience

演者 Shunji Fujimori(Department of Internal MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyNippon Medical SchoolJapan)
共同演者 Yoko Takahashi(Department of Internal MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyNippon Medical SchoolJapan), Choitsu Sakamoto(Department of Internal MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyNippon Medical SchoolJapan)
抄録 Capsule endoscopy is feasible examination for clinical trial$ because cap-sule endoscopy allows full investigation of the entire smail intestine with-out subjects’suffe血g. RecenUycapsUle endoscopy is used for many clini-cal trials in the world. Also in our institutionseveral studies used capsuleendoscopy have been performed. First s加dy was randomized controlledtrial to evaluate the preventive effect of misoprostol against nonsteroidalanti一{in血ammatory drugs(NSA皿)s)一血duced smaU intestinal injuryIt iswidely knovvn that misoprosteL a prostaglandin E l analogis effective inpreventing NSAIDs’induced gastrie mucosal injury. Our study showedconco皿itant Inisoprostol reduced the diclof6nac-induced sma11 intestinaimucosal inj uries Howevermisoprostol can induce intolerable side effectssuch as diarrhea Our second study was to evaluate rebamipide approached sirnilar to first study. Several stu(lies in Asian countries reportedeffectiveness of rebamipide fbr preven血g NSA皿)s一喝duced gastric mu-cosal injury. The result was rebamipide co-therapy had the potential to re-duce the intensity of small intestinal inj ury induced by diclofenac. Thirdstudy was to evaluate the correlation between sma11 intestinal lesions andportal venous pressure in patients with cirrhosis. As a result small intesti-nal edema showed the strongest correlation with portal venous pressureamong all other small intestinal lesions. We would like to introduce ourcapsule endoscopy studies in this session for understanding the usabmaty ofcapsule endoscopy in clinical trials. (Competing interests : none)