セッション情報 Panel Discussion 8

Medical Science Communication at the GlobalAge Part2:The Future of Gastroenterology in Asia


PD8-2-4 Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection-Application of Genotypic Resistance into Clinical Practice

抄録 The eradication rate of standard therapy for Hl pylori ’tnfection has been decreasing due to in-creased prevalence of antibietic resistaiice. Antibiotic resistance can be detected by either theculture-based techniques (phenotypic resistance) or the nucleic acid-based techniques (gen}typic resistarrce). Mutations in the 23S rRNAgyrA16S rRNARcixAand PBP1 genes Qf E py-lon’ are associated with macrolidesfluoroquinQlonetetracyclinesnitroimidazolesand amoxicil一躍resistancerespectively. Mutation in 23S rRNA was shown to be assodated with a lowe「eradication rate in patients treated with clarithromycin-based triple therapyHowevGrwhether gyrA mutation was associated vvith treatrneBt outcomes aber levofioxacin J-basedtherapies has not heen reported We showed that the eradeation rate of levofioxacin-based tri-pie therapy was slgnificatttly abected by the presence of gyrA mutation (41.7% (5/ma) vs827%(11e/133)p =O;003) in the first line therapy. Heweverthe eradieation rate of modified sequen-tial ttterapy containing levofioxacin was less diected by the pre$ence of gyrA mutation (M%(11/工3)vs、%、4%(副56)P=0、158)㎞th晩cond㎞e眈rap∬he era唖ca廿on r鑛of記qロen・tial therapy given for 14 days or 10 days were also afected by the presence of 23S rRNA muta-tions lin a pilot clinieai trialpatients who failed from at least two treatments were re-treatedwith sequential therapy coutaining esomeprazole and amexicillin for the first 7 days followed byesameprazole and metronidazole plus eitherr (1) clarithromycia or (2) levofioxacinor (3) tet-racycline for another 7 days (al given tvvice daily) according to gfmotypic resistance The over-ab eradieation rate was 818%(90/110)舳e血tention亡。冒eat姻y曲. Tbe eradication ratewas higher in patients treated with levofloxacin-based than tetracycline-based sequenul ther-apy (95.190 (ee/41) vs.722% (39/M)p=Ooo6). in conclusiongenotypic resistance can be ttseto predict treatment responses and in the guidance of treatment for H pyiori infection.