セッション情報 Panel Discussion 8

Medical Science Communication at the GlobalAge Part2:The Future of Gastroenterology in Asia


PD8-2-5 Cellular Transplantation for Augmented Regeneration in Liver Failure

演者 Yock Young Dan(Faculty of MedicineNational University of SingaporeSingapore)
抄録 Liver Disease constitue a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in Asia owing ・to the highprevalefice of Hepatitis B and C. The burdem is compounded by limited access in community toeffective treatment and scarcity of cadaveric liver transplant The unmet clinical need hesspurred the rapid advances in living related transplant as wen as opened the door for alterna一廿ve ways of aug瓜ent血9丘ver regenera廿on.Pioneering work by various groups in Asia have put forward several cell candidates for cenu-lar transplantation to augment cirrhosis These include ws ceU PS cellHep cellmesnechymalstem eell bone rnarrow stein celk adipose tissue stem cell fetz1 liver progenitor cell and amni-otic ceL a皿of whidl have been shown to be able to d悩erentiate into hepat㏄ytes and engraft hlanimal rnodels of liver injuryOur lab has fc)cused on the detern1血antsσf human feta[Hve!・at different stages of gesta廿on us・ing lmmt皿ofLuorescnce a皿d qRTPCR arrays. By recapitulating廿le microenvh・onlnent of endひdermal liver pTogenitor ce”s. a novel population of human endodermal progenitors caii be is}lated and expanded in cultureThese cells are EPCAMI CD4¢ Oct4ssEA and LGR5 positive.They caii dlfferentiate丘1to㎞e呂ges ofgast五。 epithe五u!n血both in vi証。細d ln vivo models ofgastrie epithelitrm regenerationDfieirentiatiort inte hepatic lineage yields polygonal cets posi-tive for albtm HNFa glyeogen and CYPP4sc enzymes activity. Transplantation in animalmodels of liver inj’ury demonstrate successfu1 engraftrnent survival and ftmction as liver regene蹴eH皿an gastric prognitOrs represent a promising autOlogous progenitor ced source whiCh canimdergo robust profferation and potentialy have low threshold of converting into full fu1tc-tional hepatoeytes without needfor genetic matiipulationThe advancement of cedular therapyfor 1iVer fa∬ure woUld m皿 the huge gap for large nu血bers of patielltS in AS訟 With liver faiture.