セッション情報 Hepatitis C i)Hepatitis C and HCC(I)


IF4c-3 Hepatitis C Treatment in the Era of Direct-acting Antivirals

演者 Gregory Dore(Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research ProgramThe Kirby Institute/The University of New South Wales/St Vincent's HospitalAustralia)
抄録 The landscape of hepatitis C virus(HCV)therapy wil change considerably over the next decade with theprobable licensure of many HCV direct-acting antiviral(DAA)therapy agents. Phase皿trials evaluatingthe addition of HCV protease inhibitors telaprevir or boceprevir to pegylated interferon and ribavirin inboth HCV treatment naive and experienced populations with chronic H:CV genotype l have de血on-strated considerable improvements in sustained virological responsewith many patients able to shortentotal treatment duration from 48 weeks to 2436 weeks. Although these initial DAA-based treatment re-sults are encouragingadditional toxicityproblematic dosing schedulesand potential drug 一 drug interac-tions pose challenges for clinical management. Subsequent DAA agent$including next generation pro-tease inhibitorsnucleos(t)ide analogues and NSsA inhibitors have improved tolerability and dosing sched-ules. Furtherunlike the initial protease inhibitorsmany of these DAA agents have cross-genotype activ-ity. Preliminary findings also indicate that interferon-free combination D AA regimens should cure HCVinfection in a high proportion of patientsfollowing 12 week nucleotide analogue and ribavirin (genotype 2/3) or 24 week protease inhibitor and NSsA inhibitor (genotype l b) therapy. The future for treatment ofHCV infection appears extremely encouragingwith the realistic prospect of well tolera/tedshort durationregimens that are curative in the vast majority of patients.