セッション情報 International Session6(消化器内視鏡学会・消化器病学会合同)

Strategy of biliary drainage for hilar biliary strictures

タイトル 内IS6-1:

Usefulness of 3D-PACE-MRCP for the determination of preoperative drainage strategy in hilar cholangiocarcinomas

演者 T. Kurihara(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University)
共同演者 T. Itoi(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University), T. Tsuchiya(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University)
抄録 Background: Several investigators advocated that MRCP is useful in hilar cholangioscarcinoma for not only evaluation of tumor progression but also decision of strategy of biliary drainage. Recently the respiratory navigator-triggered with a prospective acquisition correction (PACE) technique for MRCP (3D-PACE-MRCP) have been developed.The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the ability of a 3D-PACE-MRCP to depict the biliary tract and decide the strategy of drainage for hilar cholangiocarcinomas compared to cholangiography and surgical resected specimens.Patients and Methods: Eleven potential operation of hilar cholangiocarcinomas were retrospectively evaluated with preoperative 3D-PACE-MRCP before drainage. 3D-PACE-MRCP was performed with 1.5-T magnetic field using T2-weighted PACE TSE sequence. All preoperative drainages were performed by using endoscopic nasobiliary drainages if needed. The findings of 3D-PACE-MRCP were evaluated compared to cholangiography using contrast medium and surgical resected specimens.Results: 3D-PACE-MRCP could provide very high quality imaging in 68% (7/11).The remaining 4 cases shows fair quality imaging compared to standard MRCP because disturbance of the respiration in elderly and excessive intestinal peristalsis. In seven cases showing high quality imaging, MR-cholangiographic findings were similar to direct cholangiographic findings and subsequently matched the histopathological findings. Conclusion: Although further development of MRCP is mandatory for the stable depiction, pre-operative PACE-MRCP seems to be useful for not only evaluation of tumor progression but also the strategy of pre-operative drainage for hilar cholangiocarcinomas.
索引用語 PACE-MRCP, Hilar cholangiocarcinoma