セッション情報 International Session7(消化器内視鏡学会・消化器病学会合同)

Small bowel endoscopy-Where are we,and where to go?

タイトル 内IS7-6:

Evaluation of CE, DBE and CTE for the assessment of intestinal involvements in patients with Crohn's disease.

演者 S. Kato(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University)
共同演者 K. Kani(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University), K. Yakabi(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University)
抄録 Aims: Here we investigate the usefulness of CE, DBE and CTE n patients with Crohn's disease. Methods: 18 patients underwent CE and 43 patients underwent CTE were enrolled. All patients underwent both CTE and DBE on the same day. Contrast 16-MDCT imaging was performed.Results: Patency capsules were performed in 18 patients and patency was recognized in 78% (14/18). Clinical types of these patients were 4 colonic types, 4 small intestinal types and 6 small intestinal and colonic types.Small bowel involvements were recognized 25% (1/4) patients of colonic types. Typical appearances, such as longitudinal ulcers or cobblestones were recognized in 83% (5/6) of patients with small intestinal involvements. Both sensitivity and specificity of CTE were 81.6% (31/38) and 100% (31/31). Also diagnostic accuracies of fistula and stenosis were 100% (6/6) and 62% (13/20). However, diagnostic accuracy of mucosal healing was low in anastomosis (45% (5/11)). The longitudinal ulcers and cobble stone like lesions were also detected by mucosal enhancement, mesenteric high density and comb sign.Conclusions: CE was useful in the detection of small bowel involvements through the small bowel. Also CTE had good sensitivity and specificity, especially in the detection of small bowel fistula and extra-intestinal inflammation. However, both CE and DBE were more accurate to evaluate the mucosal healing of small intestine
索引用語 Capsute enteroscopy, CT enteroscopy