セッション情報 International Session7(消化器内視鏡学会・消化器病学会合同)

Small bowel endoscopy-Where are we,and where to go?

タイトル 内IS7-10:

Additional injection of contrast medium during endoscopic balloon dilation by using a new therapeutic-type DBE with a large accessory channel attached BioShield irrigator

演者 T. Yano(Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University)
共同演者 Y. Hayashi(Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University), H. Yamamoto(Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University)
抄録 The therapeutic-type DBE EN-450T5 (Fujifilm) enabled endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) for the stricture located in the deep small bowel. However, its accessory channel remains 2.8mm in diameter, which is minimum for a balloon catheter. Therefore, it is difficult to insert a balloon catheter through the accessory channel in some cases. Moreover, it is impossible to suction the air and water during EBD procedure.A new therapeutic-type DBE has a larger accessory channel, keeping its outer diameter the same. The large accessory channel solves these problems. In addition, by using BioShield irrigator (US Endoscopy), a large accessory channel enables additional injection of contrast medium and precise adjustment of balloon catheter during EBD. Moreover, we devised calibrated small-caliber-tip transparent hood (CAST hood) as a prototype. It makes it easy to insert a guide wire and balloon catheter into the stricture and easy to advance the tip of endoscope beyond the stricture. In addition, the CAST hood has calibration lines (7-9mm in diameter) to measure the inner diameter of strictures. Accurate measurement of inner diameter of strictures is useful to select the size of balloon catheter for EBD.We think this technique and the CAST hood facilitates EBD for strictures in the small bowel.
索引用語 double-balloon endoscopy, endoscopic balloon dilation